There is a part of human beings that died before to die in
reality. They are women or men drop out of the economic system in their
countries. They lost their work, after their partner and, at last, their home. In
Colombia calling them “desplazados”, campesinos (You found them as they stand like an object in many
places , streets, squaresin a lot
of metropolis or town of the world. Now we call this event the effect of
the globalization of the economy. In every age we found this kind of person
that povetry had deprived of their life before of the natural end. They are
‘sleepers’, men and women that are
live but seem that they sleep.
Collateral effect of the war against guerrilla and narco-trafic
in Colombia is that a lot of
farmers lost their land and their
families escape out their countries. They are called “desplazados” (farmers
without land) and take refuge in the town where they look for a work, but the
crisis and overpopulation of the “slums” make it very difficult. So after some
weeks, despite the little State aid, they begin to use alcool or glues to knock
out themselfs and they lost their dignity and start to live on the road. As
ghosts, as monuments, bodies without future they stands on the streets in the
places of the city till they bacome invisibles.